Energy Efficiency and Metering Manager
General Purpose
Idaho Falls Power/ Idaho Falls Fiber is currently looking for an Energy Efficiency and Metering Manager. In this position you will perform a variety of professional and managerial duties related to planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the customer facing delivery energy services and fiber optic broadband.
Works under the general supervision of the General Manager.
Provides supervision and management of: energy conservation, metering and customer service teams.
Essential Functions
Directs day-to-day customer facing administrative functions and operations. Ensures their teams understanding with respect to their responsibilities, relationships and authorities necessary to facilitate the delivery of quality services; prepares and manages the division’s budget to ensure compliance with approved budgets and authorization.
Provides leadership to responsible staff. Conducts interviewing and hiring processes as necessary. Instructs and trains new employees. Responsible for planning, organizing and scheduling work assignments. Makes recommendations effecting employee status, i.e., retention, advancement, discipline and termination.
Supports operations related to customer education, public relations, broadband sales, marketing, and communications. Supports scheduling and reference materials for media interviews in the absence of the public information staff. Delivers public addresses and education as needed to schools, industry and civic audiences. Organizes plant tours and safety demonstrations for the public. Works in collaboration with others on newsletters, annual reports, media advertising, website content, etc. Supports emergency/crisis communications in coordination with public information staff. Works on ways to maintain within the community as positive utility image and good brand recognition.
Supports and leads when needed internal and external communications using a variety of media sources (newsletter, e-newsletter, bill stuffer, website, social media platforms, and traditional media.
Using a multimedia approach, creatively market products and services. Develop and implement services and marketing plans in support of other marketing team members. Supports and can oversee development of marketing materials and promotion of broadband and energy products and services offered.
Perform administrative and managerial work in connection with policies, activities, operations and personnel.
Coordinate activities of the utility with other city departments and with state and regional organizations.
Direct and provides quality assurance oversight related to the security lighting services including installation, maintenance and record keeping for billing purposes. Assist in developing ancillary services and products including security lighting, EV charging, clean energy programs, energy efficiency, surge protection, broadband, net metering, etc.
Manages metering team and provides capital planning and responsibility oversight of the overall AMI metering system which includes the mesh network, associated hardware and software systems and meters. Works closely with city utility billing department for billing accuracy and customer service issues. Follows city policy for reconnects and disconnects for non-pay accounts.
Establish policies and procedures for theft of service programs. Implement and coordinate all activities with other departments related to theft programs. Responsible for follow up with the police department and city attorney as needed. Responsible for power quality and coordinates activities with various divisions and personnel. Responds to and works with customers on power quality issues or items of concern.
Manages the utilities energy efficiency program and associated staff along with contractors. Work closely with the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) on the EE program, BEETS and the implementation manual following rules and regulations. Responsible for setting and managing the budget for incentives and financing programs. Works closely with BPA to accurately collect and disperse EEI funds and manage the BPA EEI budget. Works closely with the General Manager on EE program strategies, incentives, marketing and other associated EE activities.
Informs senior management about all matters concerning energy efficiency or other ancillary services, public information and customer relations relative to plans, programs, progress and activities to determine over-all requirements and effectiveness in conformity with established objectives, policies and budgets.
Assists in the direction of policies, procedures and activities of Idaho Falls Power related to bill presentation, such as the Level Billing Program and HELP Programs, and coordination of those activities with utility billing, city treasury and other associated city departments.
Review problems and complaints with customers that cannot be handled by other department personnel or that require coordination of staff throughout the department. Responds to questions and explains actions taken with customers in order to create understanding and promote positive public relations. Manages key accounts keeping them well informed of planned outages, voltage changes, rates etc. Responsible for maintaining up to date contact lists for key accounts and providing adequate interaction to maintain good customer service with larger key account customers. Meets on a regular basis with key accounts.
Coordinate the schedule of workflow between Idaho Falls Power and certain other departments of the city particularly as relates to customer service and ancillary services.
Works closely with the General Manager and associated team on customer relations strategies and actively explores ways to improve customer outreach and education. Supports after hours customer engagement events.
Works with other city personnel, other government agencies, community organizations and other utilities in the implementation of energy and broadband programs as needed. Stays current on energy trends and issues through participation in periodic training seminars, meetings, committees, literature, and other related activities. Use knowledge to identify services or programs to enhance customer service, marketing, customer engagement and recommend development of products/services.
Works collaboratively throughout the utility in a positive manner that aligns with utility safety culture and overall work environment.
Performs other duties as assigned.
Virtual Assistant, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Night Job -
Minimum Qualifications
1. Education and Experience:
- A bachelor’s degree in business administration, Marketing, Communications, or related field;
B. Six (6) years of increasing responsibility in an organization developing and delivering products and services; preference given to those with prior supervisory experience and/or familiarity with service trends in the utility industry.
C. An equivalent combination of education and experience.
2. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
Considerable knowledge of business management practices and procedures; public relations and communications methods and procedures; personal computers and various software applications; basic algebra, geometry, energy consumption patterns; computer software applications related to energy service programs; industry trends and issues; Working knowledge of employee supervision methods and practices. Fiber network operations and broadband experience a plus but not essential.
Skill in the art of diplomacy and creative problem solving; engaging customers and delivering impactful customer marketing and customer service.
Ability to think and plan strategically; self-direct; communicate effectively, verbally and in writing at a level necessary for efficient job performance; develop and maintain effective working relationships with fellow employees, the general public, industry partners, contractors and supervisors; inspire others to focus on customer satisfaction; represent the utility at community events or in public meeting settings; lead team in developing and refining products and services that the community will use.
3. Special qualifications:
Must possess a valid Idaho State driver’s license.
Must be available on call-out basis.
Work Environment
Incumbent of the position performs in a typical office setting with appropriate climate controls. Tasks require variety of physical activities, involving minimal muscular strain, related to walking, standing, stooping, sitting, and reaching. Essential functions require talking, hearing and seeing. Common eye, hand, finger dexterity required. Mental application utilizes memory for details, emotional stability, discriminating thinking and creative problem solving. Periodic travel required in normal course of job performance. Outside normal work hours customer engagement events at various locations, inside and outside are a normal occurrence.
Entry-Level Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, Evening Job
Customer Support, No Degree, $40/hr, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, College Student Friendly
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, No Degree, Night Job
Part-Time Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, College Student Friendly
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Night Job, No Experience
Live Chat Support, $40/hr, Remote, Entry Level, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Night Shift
Part-Time Customer Support, $40/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, Part-Time, Evening/Night Job
Weekend Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience
Remote Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Evening, Part-Time Job
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Part-Time, Weekend, No Degree
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, College Student
Data Entry, Remote, $40/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Evening Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, No Experience
Weekend Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $50/hr, No Experience, Evening/Night Job
Remote Live Chat, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, Entry Level
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Experience, $50/hr, Remote, College Student
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, Remote, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, No Degree, Part-Time, Weekend
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience Required
Virtual Assistant, No Experience, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Remote Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $42/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $45/hr, Evening, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $50/hr, College Student, Night Shift
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience Required
Data Entry, No Degree, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote Job
Customer Support, $50/hr, Remote, Evening/Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, Weekend, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $45/hr, College Student, No Experience
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Phone Support, $50/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, No Degree
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Experience, Part-Time
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Job, No Degree, Remote
Remote Moderator, $40/hr, College Student Friendly, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, Part-Time, No Degree Required
Customer Support, $50/hr, Night Job, Remote, No Experience
Data Entry, Remote, $42/hr, Evening Job, No Degree
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Weekend, Remote, College Student
Virtual Assistant, Remote, $50/hr, Part-Time, Night Shift
Data Entry, $40/hr, No Experience, Remote, Weekend Job
Remote Phone Job, $45/hr, No Degree, College Student Friendly
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Evening, No Experience
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Remote
Remote Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, College Student Job
Phone Support, Remote, $42/hr, Evening/Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, No Degree, $45/hr, Remote, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, No Experience Required
Remote Moderator, $42/hr, College Student, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $45/hr, Remote, Night Job, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, Evening Job
Remote Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend, No Experience
Phone Job, $45/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Remote Live Chat, $50/hr, College Student, No Experience
Data Entry, $40/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening
Remote Phone Support, $45/hr, Night Job, College Student
Remote Moderator, $50/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Experience
Customer Support, $42/hr, Remote, Part-Time, No Degree
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, Weekend Job, College Student
Phone Support, Remote, $50/hr, No Experience, Night Shift
Virtual Assistant, $42/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
Live Chat Support, $45/hr, Part-Time, Remote, No Degree
Data Entry, $50/hr, Remote, Evening Job, College Student
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Weekend, Remote, No Experience
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Night Shift, College Student Friendly
Remote Customer Support, $45/hr, No Degree, Evening Job
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Part-Time, Remote, Weekend Job
Data Entry, $40/hr, Evening Job, No Experience, Remote
Remote Live Chat, $42/hr, Weekend, No Degree, Part-Time
Virtual Assistant, $45/hr, No Experience, Remote, Night Job
Phone Job, $50/hr, Remote, Part-Time, College Student
Remote Data Entry, $42/hr, Evening/Night Job, No Experience
Remote Moderator, $45/hr, No Degree, Weekend Job, Part-Time
Live Chat Support, $50/hr, Remote, Night Shift, No Degree
Virtual Assistant, $40/hr, Weekend, College Student, Remote
Remote Phone Job, $42/hr, Part-Time, No Experience Required
Remote Data Entry, $45/hr, No Degree, Weekend, Night Job
Virtual Assistant, $50/hr, Evening, Remote, College Student
Customer Support, $42/hr, Weekend Job, Remote, No Degree
Phone Support, $45/hr, Remote, No Experience, Evening Job
Data Entry, $50/hr, Night Shift, No Degree, Remote Job